
DWF Labs is excited to announce our partnership with Waves, a global open-source platform for decentralized applications. Launched in 2016, Waves is built on proof-of-stake consensus and aims to maximise the potential of blockchain technology while keeping its carbon footprint minimal.

Waves technology stack is versatile and can be used in any applications that require security and decentralization, including open finance, personal identification, gaming, and sensitive data management. The Waves community-based stack of decentralized open-source technologies is designed to build scalable, user-friendly apps.

Waves enables a world of NFTs, DAOs, and other new business models. It delivers extremely fast experiences with low costs, making it an eco-friendly choice for those who want to minimise their impact on the environment. Waves also bridges to other ecosystems for easy interoperability, allowing developers to create applications that work seamlessly with other blockchain-based technologies.