
DWF Labs is proud to announce the launch of Stepwatch, a cutting-edge Web3 walking fitness rewards application that revolutionizes the way people exercise and earn money. Stepwatch is designed for individuals who want to improve their health and fitness, and earn rewards for their efforts.

With Stepwatch, users can exercise with their NFT and earn money. Whether you are new to NFTs and cryptocurrencies or already familiar with them, Stepwatch makes it easy for you to get started. Simply download the app, participate in the exercise, or purchase a simple NFT, and start earning rewards.

Stepwatch's unique reward system and social media integration make it easier than ever to create an active and healthy exercise routine. By owning your own NFT and participating in walking, running, and other forms of exercise, you can earn rewards from Stepwatch.

To ensure the stability and security of the reward system, Stepwatch issues two separate types of tokens: SWP and SWE. SWP is the main token and is considered a utility token with many applications inside and outside of Stepwatch. SWE, on the other hand, is an earn token for Stepwatch and a major reward token for using NFTs and participating in Stepwatch activities.