Tap Fantasy

DWF Labs is excited to announce its investment in Tap Fantasy Metaverse, a GAMEFI + Metaverse product that delivers both Axie's PLAY TO EARN module and Roblox's DESIGN TO EARN developer module. Tap Fantasy is an MMORPG blockchain game developed by HTML 5, filling the gap in the current market and offering a unique player experience.

Players can interact with Tap Fantasy directly on the web page or wallet and can start playing immediately. Third-party game developers can design and create gameplay modules using TP's no-code map editor, earning a 50% commission from GOLD COINS that players consume in third-party gameplay modules. Designers can also mint their own designed NFT profile pictures, wallpaper, buildings, character skin appearances, and sell them to players in the market.

Tap Fantasy has already gained popularity, becoming the most popular adventure and role-playing game on Facebook Instant Game. It received two global features, gaining more than 1.5 million game users and nearly 400,000 DAU in less than six months. By the end of September 2021, TapTap Fantasy accumulated more than 20 million users worldwide.